Saturday, January 22, 2005


Tonight I was finishing up some studying at Starbucks (I'm such a yuppie, I know) for my teaching tomorrow night when I was confronted with my impatience and sin. When I arrived and sat down there were two high school girls sitting near me. As the night went on, four of their male friends arrived and shortly there after, four more arrived. If that weren't enough, three more showed. All, of course, crowed into the small area where I was sitting and proceeded to grow more and more obnoxious, both in content and volume. I was quite perturbed. I'm trying to study God's Word. I'm trying to be spiritual. I'm trying... and then it hit me. Oh, yeah. I'm something of a youth pastor. These obnoxious, loud students are exactly the ones for whom I am to be studying. These students are the ones whom I am to be serving and with whom I am to be sharing the Gospel. Lord, forgive my impatience and shortsightedness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loud high school kids are dumb. I was never a loud high school kid, and neither was Josh.

12:47 PM  

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